Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Three-peat pt. 2

Well, shit, this week has caught me off guard. Seemingly, 2012 took a really long ass time to get going, and it was almost frustrating that the of amount new music we were getting was so unbelievably low. But just when you least expect it, you get slapped in the face with a helping of orgasmic music that you can’t help but sit back and say “Thank you for existing.” Here’s another three-peat of songs to enjoy.

First this is Dead Sara, an up-and-coming alt rock band from LA. They take their version of high octane hard rock and blend it with a wide variety of influences from all over the board. This band deserves to be huge, and hopefully songs like “Sorry for It All”, off their debut self-titled, can make that happen for them (4.5/5).

Next up are two songs from opposite ends of the indie spectrum. MewithoutYou have been around for ages, and with their new album they have declared a return to their previous sound. The first track is one of the leading singles from the upcoming LP. Next up is some new kids on the block The Neighborhood, with a ridiculously catchy offering that might just propel them into the mainstream. New and old, both of these bands are ones to look out for during the rest of 2012.

I seem to have nothing but good things to say about the stuff that I’ve heard this year, but that’s not entirely the case. One of the bands that got me into music back when I was younger, Shinedown, released their 4th LP this year, and it was a bit of a disappointment. There is nothing exceedingly special about it, and only 1 or 2 songs on the entire album actually have replay value. For a band I’ve loved for so long, it sucks to see that the song writing, particularly in the lyrics department, has fallen off so drastically. Shit happens, I guess.

Interestingly enough, I’ve started my vinyl collection over the past two weeks, and I’m loving the shit out of it. If you love music as much as I do, it’s well worth the investment to start one up for yourself. The music sounds richer and the experience of listening to an album gets returned to that sense of wonder you had when you were a kid. So far, I’ve got 3 albums, The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt, Radiohead – OK Computer, and Explosions in the Sky – The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place. Post-rock turns out to be absolutely unbelievable on vinyl, so I’ll definitely be looking to get other albums from the genre to supplement my collection.

Ah, well, I’ll keep you guys updated on when other new albums are being released this year. As always, if there’s anything you guys want me to review or listen to, let me know, as I’m always on board to hear new stuff. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

-Caleb, the guy who is exceedingly happy that tonight is chicken fajita night.

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